[arch-dev-public] [RFC] Getting TUs write access to arch-dev-public?

Florian Pritz bluewind at xinu.at
Wed Aug 15 10:09:41 EDT 2012


Given the fact that arch-general's mail volume has grown massively in
the last few days and some devs already unsubscribed, I thought about
getting TUs write access to this list so we can keep all (semi)
development related mails on a lower traffic list.

I'm more or less only subscribed to aur-general to receive mails about
dropping packages from community or TUs going inactive. Since community
is not a part of the AUR any more I think those mails don't really
belong there.

I'd also suggest moving the community-testing signoff report from
aur-general to arch-dev-public when doing this.

Comments welcome.

Florian Pritz

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