[arch-events] Dieters, Dusty's and maybe your trip to the Niagara falls (was: Archcon: planning of activities)

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Tue Jul 6 15:26:26 EDT 2010

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010 11:55:27 -0600
Dusty Phillips <dusty at archlinux.ca> wrote:

> I've been to the falls twice (I love it there, that's why I'll go back
> with you :-D), once a friend drove my sister and I down there, and the
> second time, some friends and I went down on the Greyhound (bus
> service). It hadn't crossed my mind to do a tour, however, Greyhound
> tickets are $20-$30 one way, and don't include any of the attractions
> in Niagara or a city bus pass or taxi fare from the Greyhound station
> to the falls, so $60 or so for a tour is a good deal.
> So I agree that Barbara's tour might be the best way to go. Would be
> fairly relaxed, and we'll probably see more stuff that way.
> So, summary, my votes:
> * You and I attending for sure, not sure if anyone else would join us
> * sometime before the conference, rather than on the weekend after
> * barbara's tour sounds good.

let me paraphrase what Barbara said to me about her tour:
- full day from 9 to 9/10 ("chariots of fire" tour is 7-4)
- personalized tour
- boat ride "maid of the myst" not included in price, but we can do it
  if we want and she highly recommends it. according to
  http://www.maidofthemist.com/en/ it's 15.6$ per person.
- includes: whirlpool, power station (option), queenston heights,
  floral clock (or just drive by it), town of niagara-on-the-lake (we
  choose how long we want to stay). more options: butterfly
  conservatory, botanical gardens, a walk along the raging river with
  7-9 foot high waves, jet boats @ niagara-on-the-lake, wine tasting
- food in the evening: @ skylon tower, or on the way back at jordon
  road leasurely dinner overlooking the lake.
- she has a van which can easily host 5 people, she lives near the
  humbert college north campus, so if we want this tour, we need to go
  to her place first or ask her to pick us up (at an extra fee). the
  chariots of fire has a pickup spot in dixon
- 75$ per person. if we're with 5, it's 65$ per person, if we're with
  only 2 I'm not sure if that's enough. We can check this later
  with her.  but 3 people is fine.


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