[arch-general] Searching reference server for mirror checking

eliott eliott at cactuswax.net
Sun Jan 27 17:22:18 EST 2008

On 1/27/08, Gerhard Brauer <gerhard.brauer at web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm working on a script to check the sync status of the mirrors.
> Actually i use ftp.archlinux.org as a reference but Pierre Schmitz point
> to me that this is also only a mirror which must not be in sync.
> So is there a server (ftp or http) from where i could get the mtime,
> size and the repository db file as a reference?
> Pierre told me that he could run this script on his server, but for
> testing and bugfixing ;-) i need a reliable source. At the moment it
> seems i got too many false positives...

no. there is not a publicly accessible location of the repo db file
other than mirror servers.
ftp.archlinux.org is the best candidate. the two servers (round robin
dns for ftp.archlinux.org) synchronize approximately every hour.

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