[arch-general] Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Wed Dec 2 03:58:43 EST 2009

Arvid Picciani wrote:
> Allan McRae wrote:
>> Can you actually point out what is broken with dbus?  That would 
>> actually clarify why you want it removed from cups, because as I 
>> commented in that bug report, the only advantage I see there is saving 
>> 4Mb of deps off your system.
> I'm aware that minimalism is not a valid argument.
> My point was, that adding specific features for supporting a corner case 
> for a specific subset of users, is a way worse argument.

And blindly not enabling it for a specific subset is also stupid.  In 
fact, the logical choice would be to supply a package that the minimal 
number of people need to recompile, if only to minimize user bitching.

While I am at it, lets see why your arguements just grepping for 
"enable|disable" etc are idiotic.  Take the gcc PKGBUILD:


etc...   Should I revert them to the "default" values.  No.  How many of 
the other flags counted by your grep are needed?

>> So far you opinion means nothing to me as it is only a rant with very 
>> little backing in terms of information.
> I have not provided details on dbus, because it is irrelevant to the 
> argument. It is undeniable that my most pressing concern is removing 
> dbus where the arch way argument holds (i will NOT post bug reports that 
> remove dbus from packages where it is upstream default), however this 
> does in no way affect the validity of my points.

I personally think your mis-reading the "Arch Way".  We do not patch to 
add features that are not supported upstream but I have never seen 
anything mentioned about using minimal configure flags.

> If you care anyway:  dbus does crash frequently and some software that 
> has been configured with it, dies ungracefully, leaving the system dead.
> Additionally hal is using 100% cpu on my system. 

So you filed bug reports about this?  Or just bitched?  Or is this only 
occurring on your system where you maintain a 50% fork and not being 
noticed by others?


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