[arch-general] let's discuss /srv again

Firmicus Firmicus at gmx.net
Fri Oct 2 04:58:19 EDT 2009

Roman Kyrylych a écrit :
> 2009/10/2 Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I want to discuss using /srv directory in packages
>> (For reference: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16410)
>> Of course I can easy sed and rebuild all my web packages, but I want to know
>> reason why we disable /srv in packages?
> IMO web apps should not even be packed as packages.
> It's easy to download sources from an official site and install
> in whatever user's webserver directory is.
I perfectly concur with this.

> Yes, packaging a webapp is nice for automatic upgrading with pacman,
> but users can have multiple web servers with multiple vhosts in /srv,
> so often installing something there won't make it working anyway,
> and user will copy/move/symlink the app to whatever directory is right for
> user's webserver config scheme, which is against the idea
> that package files (except configs) should not be touched by user,
> but only by package manager.
Also, major php applications usually automatically notify the admin when
there is an update. Drupal does it, and phpmyadmin probably too. So
there is really *no need* to package them. Whatever I put under
/srv/http comes from an upstream download.

BTW, I just saw that nginx also does this:
pacman -Qo /srv/http/nginx/50x.html
/srv/http/nginx/50x.html is owned by nginx 0.7.62-1
In this case, this is not a webapp, but a web server. Still, this should
go to /usr/share/nginx/ instead.
Apache does it like this.

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