[arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sun Jun 13 05:48:53 EDT 2010

On 13/06/10 19:38, Ananda Samaddar wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 09:58:38 +0200
> Thomas Bächler<thomas at archlinux.org>  wrote:
>> Am 13.06.2010 02:33, schrieb Alexander Duscheleit:
>>> OTOH the original mail was meant more to alert *users* of
>>> unrealircd, the maintainer should actually already have been
>>> noticed via the bug.
>> In that case, it seems you chose your list wisely.
>>> On a side-note, Sergej already has published a new pkgrel this
>>> afternoon (2010-06-12 16:40:54 UTC). So the bug is/was already
>>> obsolete before I wrote it.
>> Good, didn't notice that. I was quite shocked when I read about the
>> issue.
> This is the reason why we need package signing for Pacman.  I'm aware
> that some progress has been made and it's being worked on.  Are there
> any updates?

Yes...  because package signing magically fixes all upstream issues.


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