[arch-general] TeXLive 2011 pretest

Rémy Oudompheng remy at archlinux.org
Wed Jun 1 00:57:55 EDT 2011

TeXLive 2011 is in pre-testing phase. Experimental builds of texlive-bin
will be found in

Current issues are:
- no install script for texlive-bin where it should run "mktexlsr" and
  "fmtutil-sys --all"
- dangling symlinks, due to new scripts appearing in texlive-*
- segfaulting luatex, so I guess I'll keep with compiling it separately
- no biblatex-biber. TeXLive only provide a binary that bundles Perl +
  all dependencies. I plan to adopt biblatex-biber from AUR for that and
  add it as an optional dependency of texlive-core. However, it comes
  with a very unusual set of dependencies. We can only blame François for
  being a great Perl enthusiast.

Once upstream seems stable (they say ConTeXt is currently broken),
and the PKGBUILDs reach a final form, packages will hit [testing].

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