[arch-general] a bit more script

pete p.nikolic1 at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 20 04:15:37 EDT 2012

Hi folks .

Sorry to be a pain but i am still having a bit of fun (or not as the
case may be)  with scripting here 

thanks to previous help i have 

for f in *jpg ; do echo "<a class=\"highslide\" href=\"$f\"
onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\"><img src=\"thumbs/\"$f\"></a>" ;
done > awardgallery.html

which works well and generates 

<a class="highslide" href="img_0004.jpg" onclick="return
hs.expand(this)"><img src="thumbs/"img_0004.jpg"></a>

The slight problem is in  this part <img src="thumbs/"img_0004.jpg">
thumbs is a sub dir off the main photos with thumbnails in it they are
named  img_0004_s.jpg  and i can get it to pick this fact up that means
i have an edit job every time  . help with mods please folks 

Thanks pete .

Linux 7-of-9 3.2.11-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 15 09:19:02 CET 2012
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