[arch-general] vagrant/virtualbox archlinux guest private_network

Andre "Osku" Schmidt andre.osku.schmidt at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 14:37:01 UTC 2016

So i did a minimal archlinux vagrant box[0] and it seems to work. But
trying to get private_network[1] working, i get the following error:

ERROR vagrant:
`block in finalize_action'
`block in run'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in run'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in run'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in run'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in finalize_action'
`block in run'
`block in run'
`block in action'
`block (2 levels) in run'
 INFO interface: error: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero
exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

# Configure
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network--1466602430-0' '/etc/netctl/'
ip link set '' down
netctl restart ''
netctl enable ''

Stdout from the command:

Stderr from the command:

Not enough information: "dev" argument is required.
Failed to restart netctl at .service: Unit name netctl at .service is missing the
instance name.
See system logs and 'systemctl status netctl at .service' for details.
/usr/lib/network/globals: line 123: source: /etc/netctl/: is a directory
<3>Profile '' does not specify an interface

I did not setup netctl on the client yet, cause it fails with the same
error (and wanted to keep things simple as possible).

- Is this a vagrant bug?
- Did i forget something important in the client?
- Would it be possible to use systemd-networkd instead?
- Does your archlinux guest work with private_network?


[0] https://github.com/oskude/vagrant-archmini
[1] https://github.com/oskude/vagrant-archmini/tree/private_network

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