[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Switching the bugtracker to Bugzilla

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Tue Nov 21 09:36:08 UTC 2017

On 11/21/17 at 09:23am, Óscar García Amor wrote:
> 2017-11-19 18:54 GMT+01:00 Bartłomiej Piotrowski <bpiotrowski at archlinux.org>:
> > On 2017-11-19 17:58, William Gathoye wrote:
> >> I'll be using Gitlab professionally on Arch Linux. So as soon I become a
> >> TU (if it happen the Arch Linux community accepts me ;)) I think I'll
> >> help Sven-Hendrik Haase in this process. Packaging Gitlab as a single
> >> person is indeed a hard task.
> >
> > There is more to reliability of service than correct and reliable
> > packaging. By any means Gitlab isn't "fire & forget" type of project and
> > with my infra team hat on, I'm completely unwilling to spend my evenings
> > or lunches on making sure it's running properly.
> Why don't talk with GitLab people to get a free hosted solution? As
> you can see in his page[1] they offer "the very best full gold plan of
> the death" to Open Source projects. In this way you can devote your
> resources to other tasks and forget the Git/GitLab administration.

I'm quiet happy that we are still running everything on our (community
sponsored) infrastructure without relying on third party's. This has a
lot of benefits, we own the data, we can migrate freely to an
alternative and we don't rely on externals messing things up or changing
their offering.

A sponsored hosted platform sounds amazing, but having a
vendor lock in isn't really :-)

Jelle van der Waa
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