[arch-general] [Pencil2D] package update (and attached PKGBUILD)

Popolon popolon at popolon.org
Tue Sep 29 21:34:17 UTC 2020

Hi all.

The package Pencil2D is flagged out of date since few weeks, the 
PKGBUILD update is relatively simple. I didn't know where to propose 
updated PKGBUILD version. I tried forum first, a moderator said me to 
report a bug, then I open a bug, and a moderator closed the bug saying 
to never report a bug but to flag the package as outdated (I said the 
package was already flagged), and he send me to this mailing list, I 
hope this is the good place?

The new version of Pencil2D is a 1 year update with lot of new features, 
that could be useful for Arch user that want to make 2D animation (there 
are also at least OpenToonz, Krita, Blender Grease Pencil and Synfig) 
and bug corrections. So the patch in the current PKGBUILD is no more needed.

So there is only to update version number to 0.6.5, to update the source 
tarball sha25sum to 
31903c54c8f0a79385cc5f519b380d26524219984e619204820b946c96fc2482 and to 
remove the patch and associated prepare() function.

I added the working version of the PKGBUILD for this version to this 
mail. I used it for several weeks, it works very nicely.

Don't need to credit me, just hope it will be updated for other Arch users.



-------------- next part --------------
# Maintainer: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
# Contributor: Jakob Gahde <j5lx at fmail.co.uk>

pkgdesc="Easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations"
depends=(ffmpeg hicolor-icon-theme qt5-multimedia qt5-svg qt5-xmlpatterns)

build() {
  cd pencil-$pkgver
  qmake PREFIX=/usr

package() {
  cd pencil-$pkgver
  make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install
  install -Dm644 ../pencil2d.appdata.xml "$pkgdir/usr/share/metainfo/pencil2d.appdata.xml"

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