[arch-projects] New package submission script

Loui louipc.ist at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 13:32:01 EDT 2007

> - Any GNU/Tar file will work, including .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2
I think that for consistency with Archlinux there should be a check
for only .tar.gz
But maybe make it easy to allow other types, or to switch to a single
other type.
(if anyone wants to use AUR outside Archlinux with a different archive
type for some reason)

> - Uploaded archives are assumed to be correct (e.g. files in foo/PKGBUILD,
> foo/foo.install, etc), else rejected
If you assume them to be correct how can you reject them?

> - Overwrite option is gone. We check for permissions anyway, hence it's
> redundant
Is it possible for TUs and devs to overwrite any package? If so this
should be enabled for those types of users.

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