[aur-general] Orphan request: rsget

Anton Leontiev bunder at t-25.ru
Sat Jul 31 07:25:26 EDT 2010

Please, orphan the package rsget
[http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25469]. There is already
version 0.3.1 and PKGBUILD on the official site. I have posted the
message in the comments and on the 17th of July I sent an
e-mail to Phitherek requesting him to update or disown the package, and
he didn't answer.

I am going to propose to be the maintainer to the author of the PKGBUILD
on the official site. If he refuse I'll take the maintenance. 

With best regards,

Leontiev Anton (bunder at t-25.ru)

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