[aur-general] Qt 4.8 hits [testing] + qtwebkit package

Philipp Überbacher hollunder at lavabit.com
Wed Dec 21 18:09:35 EST 2011

Quoting Andrea Scarpino (2011-12-19 19:17:08)
>Hi all,
>the last Qt major release is in [testing].
>For the upstream changes see the Qt ChangeLog[1].
>About the Arch Linux packaging, the libqtwebkit library isn't shipped with the 
>qt package anymore, but with the new qtwebkit package.
>We rebuilt our packages in [extra] and [community] to add this new dependence. 
>If you find a package which links to libQtWebKit.so.4, but doesn't depend on 
>qtwebkit, please report us the bug using bugs.archlinux.org.
>AUR maintainers are encouraged to check their packages to see if they links to 
>libQtWebKit.so.4, then add the new dependence.
>[1] http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/12/15/qt-4-8-0-released/

Seems like there's another new dependence, qtwebkit pulls in phonon,
this didn't happen when it was part of qt. Why is this?


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