[aur-general] [AUR] Orphan all old packages flagged as out-of-date

Ernie Brodeur ebrodeur at ujami.net
Wed Jun 8 14:00:01 EDT 2011

As a new guy, #2 happens a lot.

I've had several improved pkgbuild's (for spideroak) as an example.

I point out the mistakes, and the current version, ask for disown.  Gets
disowned.  Somebody comes the next day, takes ownership and never addresses
any concerns.  So the package has had two terrible maintainers.

Since the package isn't out of date, nothing can be done, but #2 happens a

Considering that, I'd rather see a package out of date and disowned then
owned and out of date.  At least disowned will give the chance to somebody
else to step up to the plate and take responsibility, vs sitting there with
nobody quite sure what the current maintainer is thinking/doing.

Would it be possible to show when the maintainer last even looked at a page,
on the page?  something like a 'modified' timestamp or some other clue how
long this person has been absent.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Bernardo Barros
<bernardobarros2 at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2011/6/8 Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>:
> > Seriously?  If someone can not find the time to update a package in 3
> > months, there will be other people who can do a better job.  If we waited
> 6
> > months for updates, we might as well be using Ubunutu.
> >
> Well, it's different. I think that could happen two whole different
> situations:
> 1. What I meant initially was: it is better to have a package outdated
> for a little time (3 or 6 months) then to orphan it and leave it alone
> until it finds another brave soul, maybe never.
> 2. The other situation is: another person already wants to take
> responsibility immediately, or even better, this new person already
> has a cool new and improved PKGBUILD in pastebin, and the maintainer
> does even bothered to accept the patch or even reply!
> Then one or two weeks without reply is enough to transfer the maintenance.

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