[pacman-dev] [RFC] alpmtrigger: triggering events after all packages got installed...

Xavier shiningxc at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 13:13:19 EDT 2009

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
> So each package needs an install file that contains just e.g. "alpmtrigger
> infopage".  For every package that has info pages...  That still sounds like
> duplication to me.
> Given all we need to currently do for the install file for info pages is to
> copy the prototype and list the info pages to install, you suggestion really
> is no less work.

How would you even specify the info pages with this method ?
If alpmtrigger infopage just does 'touch
/var/somewhere/alpmtrigger/infopage' , how do you give the list of
info files ?

There is indeed a big difference between Marc proposal and the old
Aaron proposal.
The only thing Marc's proposal really provide is the ability to have
Transaction hooks.
The idea of Aaron was to have File Hooks, that is, actions which are
triggered by installation or removal of files.

Edit : now I saw Marc's answer, proposing that all kind of file hooks
action could be handled by a transaction hook/trigger using find and
ctime. But right now I cannot see which are the pros and cons of each

Otherwise, it seems that Marc is saying that install scriptlets are
fine, and he wants to add two functionality :
1) transaction level hook
2) sharing code

1 could be even more easily achieved by just defining a new function
in scriptlets, eg transaction()
2 could be achieved with function libraries (see

Again here, it is not clear to me which method is better, I am just
throwing out ideas.

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