[pacman-dev] Inconsistency in detecting ARCH

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Wed Feb 10 18:18:28 EST 2010

On 11/02/10 04:06, Florian Pritz wrote:
> On 02/10/2010 06:01 PM, Nezmer wrote:
>> What arch are we talking about here.
>> I ran into this inconsistency when I used pacman/makepkg in FreeBSD.
>> makepkg uses CARCH , pacman.conf uses "uname -m" which returns amd64 not
>> x86_64 on FreeBSD , and If I'm looking at the right patch "readelf -h"
>> is used here which will return ELF32 in 32bin-* and 32lib-* packages and
>> that is technically correct and an intended behaviour (I think).
> I'm now using objdump to be able to tell apart ARM and x86 because
> readelf returns ELF32 for both, but I can use sort of everything. uname
> doesn't help because you could crosscompile 32bit libraries on a 64bit host.

Who is going to be mixing ARM and x86 binaries on the same system... 
cross-compiler libraries maybe?  I do not think that is a situation we 
really need to worry about.


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