[arch-dev-public] moving stuff into extra

Damir Perisa damir.perisa at solnet.ch
Thu Jan 3 04:19:53 EST 2008

Thursday 03 January 2008, Varun Acharya wrote:
 | > do not import it to [extra] untill it is one pkg that works, but
 | > i'm sure you will not anyway, since you use it yourself?
 | >
 | > conditional +1 for this one: make it work for first. (i didn't
 | > try it myself, dont have a dvd drive, maybe it _does_ work, but
 | > i heard 2 stories about how it fails building for x86_64 and
 | > segfaulting)
 | 'handbrake-bin' is the binary straight from the website, I wont be
 | using this.
 | 'handbrakegtk' is the frontend for HandBrakeCLI, and its very
 | unstable right now, so this won't go into extra too
 | 'handbrake' itself is the package I'm looking at. Yes, I use it
 | regularly and I've got it to build for x86_64 too, with minor
 | changes to the PKGBUILD. When handbrakegtk becomes more stable I
 | might move that too, but that will take a while I think.

ok, when handbrake works on both arches, i support your decision. good 
luck! (i can borrow a dvd-drive or make a friend test it on 64bit if 
you need it)

- D

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