[arch-dev-public] Sorta vacation?

Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227) ghost1227 at archlinux.us
Thu Jul 29 00:46:37 EDT 2010

I'm sure that some of you have noticed that I haven't been around quite as
much as
normal lately. Finally decided that it was time to officially notify you all
that I'm sorta
inactive for the next week or two. I say 'sorta inactive' because I'm not
marking myself
inactive (I'll still be here and likely will still be working, and I'll
definitely still be on IRC
and able to support my PKGBUILD.com users), but I won't have too much time
available for rebuilding packages/fixing bugs.

I recently took over as CTO and head designer for a social media integration
corporate branding company and the process of settling in and interviewing
the few positions we currently have open is proving extremely

I suspect the candidate I interviewed today will be hired on and this will
my workload significantly (once she gets past the training and tests). I'm
one to two weeks before things have settled down enough for me to consider
myself 'back'.

In the meantime, please feel free to screw around with my out of date
and associated bugs.

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