[arch-dev-public] [RFC] merge /bin, /sbin, /lib into /usr/bin and /usr/lib

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Sat Mar 3 13:02:59 EST 2012

Am 03.03.2012 10:13, schrieb Andreas Radke:
> IMHO we are now the next big community distro behind the commercial
> players and should raise our voice more often in projects that define
> future standards.

Some of us are. One example is how Dave not only was an important force
behind fixing bugs in recent kmod and util-linux releases, but he also
influenced changes in behaviour in those projects to our advantage.

It's up to the individual to influence things their way. For instance,
although I do not know for sure, I assume that your involvement in
Libreoffice discussions has lead to improvements in their build systems
(btw, some libreoffice guys asked about you at FOSDEM in Brussels).

There are more examples. They seem insignificant, but they're not.

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