[arch-general] pacman from behind a proxy (not under my control)

Eliseo Ocampos roskoff at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 01:08:44 EDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Oon-Ee Ng <ngoonee.talk at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I just tried a new install, it works and even got updated the first
> time. Left it over the weekend, now that I'm back on it (still quite
> bare, nothing much set up yet) I can't seem to get pacman connected to
> the mirrors.
> This machine is a university machine and needs to connect via
> proxy.name_of_uni.edu.my:8080, so I've set http_proxy and ftp_proxy to
> the right values. Also substituted in the actual IP addresses with the
> same results.
> What happens is that all the mirrors get the following (with wget
> uncommented in pacman.conf, similar results even when not using wget)
> Connecting to mirrors.kernel.org||:80... failed: Connection
> timed out.
> Ironically, when I try to wget the db file itself through wget
> http://mirrrors.kernel.org/archlinux/testing/os/i686/testing.db it
> downloads fine.... Any idea what the problem could be?

Hi there, try to add a trailing slash to your proxy URL:


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