[arch-general] OT: "Major distributions"

Leon Feng rainofchaos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 23:26:03 EDT 2012

2012/8/15 Timothy Rice <t.rice at ms.unimelb.edu.au>:
>> As a rolling release, Arch is usually the leader of adopt new technology.
>> But now, Arch is falling behind Debian now. So sad.
> Arch Linux is also about simplicity. For me, this is more important
> than the rolling-releaseness and bleeding-edgeness. If Arch lags behind
> Debian, that is fine by me; some things that Debian does by default I
> don't like because of their complexity. Also keep in mind, once upon a
> time, Debian was the bleeding edge distro; if Debian wants to reclaim
> that title then more power to Debian.
> I like both Debian and Arch, and I say, let's not get too stressed if Debian
> is occasionally more cutting edge. It's all still Linux, and Arch can only
> thrive on a little competition of this nature.

For me, simple means use upstream vanilla package.  When most other
linux distro switch to systemd. Still use initscripts will
make people comes from other distro harder to adapt.

In the past, there is no upstream for initscripts, so every distro
duplicate their effort to write ugly bash scripts which are hard to
maintain. With systemd as a good upstream now, Arch can stop wasting
time maintain those ugly scripts.

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