[arch-general] Newbies in Arch [WAS: Suspend seems not to work with nVidia Nouveau driver]

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Wed Jan 4 07:54:10 EST 2012

On 04/01/12 03:25, Jonathan Vasquez wrote:

Carry on doing what *you* want not what others want you to do. I too 
joined "The pain of making tea." that is Arch Linux due to the statement 
that used to be on display;

*Q)*When I run “pacman –sync” it comes up with “could
not open sync database:reponame have you used –refresh yet?” but when I
run pacman –refresh it does nothing?!

*A)*This error is due to your inability to read man pages. We
recommend you try the pacman man page – it really is very useful.

I also agree that it's probably not for an absolute beginner, however if 
you can read a wiki or a forum then I see no reason why a so called n00b 
shouldn't give Arch a go.

I see no excuse for arrogance or rudeness people that do that can "Get 
off my lawn." thank you very much.

"There is *every* excuse for not knowing, there is *no* excuse for not 


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