[arch-projects] [mkinitcpio][PATCH 09/19] functions: introduce add_checked_modules and add_all_modules

Dave Reisner dreisner at archlinux.org
Sun May 13 13:57:12 EDT 2012

Instead of returning a list of modules which the caller should then add
themselves or stuff into the MODULES string, call add_module for each
candidate. This is basically a different wrapper around all_modules.

DEPRECATION WARNING: This commit marks checked_modules as deprecated.
Although it is not slated to go away, direct usage of all_modules is
strongly discouraged.

Signed-off-by: Dave Reisner <dreisner at archlinux.org>
 functions |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/functions b/functions
index 052dced..97b401c 100644
--- a/functions
+++ b/functions
@@ -199,12 +199,23 @@ auto_modules() {
 all_modules() {
     # Add modules to the initcpio, filtered by grep.
     #   $@: filter arguments to grep
+    #   -f FILTER: ERE to filter found modules
     local -i count=0
-    local mod=
+    local mod= OPTIND= OPTARG= filter=()
+    while getopts ':f:' flag; do
+        case $flag in f) filter+=("$OPTARG") ;; esac
+    done
+    shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
     while read -r -d '' mod; do
         (( ++count ))
+        for f in "${filter[@]}"; do
+            [[ $mod =~ $f ]] && continue 2
+        done
         printf '%s\n' "${mod//-/_}"
@@ -213,11 +224,48 @@ all_modules() {
     (( count ))
-checked_modules() {
+add_all_modules() {
+    # Add modules to the initcpio.
+    #   $@: arguments to all_modules
+    local mod mods
+    mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@")
+    for mod in "${mods[@]}"; do
+        add_module "$mod"
+    done
+    return $(( !${#mods[*]} ))
+add_checked_modules() {
     # Add modules to the initcpio, filtered by the list of autodetected
     # modules.
     #   $@: arguments to all_modules
+    local mod mods
+    if [[ -s $MODULE_FILE ]]; then
+        mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@" | grep -xFf "$MODULE_FILE")
+    else
+        mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@")
+    fi
+    for mod in "${mods[@]}"; do
+        add_module "$mod"
+    done
+    return $(( !${#mods[*]} ))
+checked_modules() {
+    # Returns a list of modules filtered by the list of autodetected modules.
+    #   $@: arguments to all_modules
+    #
+    # DEPRECATED: Use add_checked_modules instead
+    #
     if [[ -s $MODULE_FILE ]]; then
         grep -xFf "$MODULE_FILE" <(all_modules "$@")
         return 1

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