[arch-security] Django Security Advisory: Arbitrary file inclusion through docutils

Markus Holtermann info at markusholtermann.eu
Tue Apr 21 12:02:21 UTC 2015

Django Security Advisory: Arbitrary file inclusion through docutils

Today the Django team is issuing a security advisory regarding the usage
of docutils for unsanitized user input.



Following a security hardening patch in `django.contrib.admindocs`, we
noticed that a code pattern from Django <= 1.5 is commonly used by third
party packages, possibly putting their users at risk.


The `docutils` Python package is the standard package to render
reStructuredText (reST). One of reST's features is including other files
in a document. The respective directives are active by default which is
a valid case for the original use case of docutils: rendering

Django <= 1.5 has a package `django.contrib.markup` which relies on
docutils and provides a template filter that is used to render reST to
HTML on demand. This happens without deactivating the problematic
directives to include files from the file system. If docutils' rendering
is used with unsanitized user input and without disabling the
directives, an attacker can access arbitrary files on the host (at
least, the files that the user running the WSGI container can access).
This could eventually lead to disclosure of secure information, such as
the project settings. This scenario has been documented[2].

In Django 1.6 the `django.contrib.markup` app was removed. However, many
third-party applications in the Djangoverse still rely on docutils and
also copied the pattern Django uses to allow deactivating the

    docutils_settings = getattr(settings, 'RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS', {})
    parts = publish_parts(
    return force_text(parts["fragment"])

These packages may not contain the same warnings that Django's documentation
includes, and in any case, it's a good idea to disable file inclusion by
default in order to make things "secure by default" rather than relying on
users disabling it explicitly.


In order to solve the arbitrary file inclusion package maintainers should adapt
to the following pattern:

    docutils_settings = {
        'raw_enabled': False,
        'file_insertion_enabled': False,
    docutils_settings.update(getattr(settings, 'RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS', {}))
    parts = publish_parts(
    return force_text(parts["fragment"])


Users of packages that use the above pattern should update their project
settings to include:

        'raw_enabled': False,
        'file_insertion_enabled': False,

[1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils
[2] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/markup/#restructured-text

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