[aur-dev] Split package support

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Sat Jan 18 12:01:10 EST 2014

On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 at 16:00:50, Dave Reisner wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 03:52:09PM +0100, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
> [...]
> > That sounds like an even better idea. So we're making the package pages
> > look like the archweb package pages, with PKGBUILD and tarball links.
> > But do we include comments etc. from the pkgbase there as well? Or
> > rather have the actions and comments on the pkgbase pages only?
> If comments, etc. will be shared amongst all output packages, then it
> makes sense, to me, to also load them on the pkgbase page.
> > And when searching, we only return package pages?
> Agreed.

So the plan is:

* Create a "PackageBases" table with a "Name" column and transfer the
  following fields from the "Packages" table:
  - CategoryID (?)
  - NumVotes
  - OutOfDateTS
  - SubmittedTS
  - ModifiedTS
  - SubmitterUID
  - MaintainerUID

* Change the foreign key references in PackageVotes, PackageComments and

* Write a migration script that converts the tables accordingly.
  We probably want to use the package name as pkgbase name for existing

* Adjust the package submission script: Create pkgbase and packages on
  submission (check all packages for conflicts with existing ones,
  filter all packages using the blacklist, etc.!)

* Redesign the UI: Add pkgbase pages that contain links to all packages
  belonging to the pkgbase and also provide package actions and
  comments/votes (do we want to add these to non-split packages as
  well?) The package pages contain links to the corresponding pkgbase
  pages as well.

* Adjust the RPC interface and add missing features/information.

Did I miss anything?

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