[aur-general] [arch-dev-public] Starting work on TeXLive 2013

Karol Blazewicz karol.blazewicz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 18:03:58 EDT 2013

On Tuesday, July 02, 2013 09:15:06 Rémy Oudompheng wrote:
> The packages are ready but they will tend to install /etc/texmf files
> as .pacnew instead of replacing the old ones. When it happens fmtutil
> will not unhappy and the things will be unusable until the user
> overwrites the old files with the pacnews then re-runs "fmtutil --all"
> as root.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Rémy Oudompheng
<remyoudompheng at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2013/7/2 Rashif Ray Rahman <schiv at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> An official announcement is useful here because it requires user
>> intervention. An install message is not appropriate (i.e. not
>> sufficient for the problem at hand).
>> So, yes, if there is no other way to solve this you should post a news
>> announcement explaining the reason why this intervention is required
>> and the steps to take in order to solve it.
> I think we can try that. I will upload the current version of packages
> to [testing]. I don't think it is a common practice to sliently
> overwrite files in /etc, but I don't understand why new files get
> installed as .pacnew.
> I have tried the upgrade path from a clean Texlive 2012 install and it
> does not replace the old files.
> Rémy.

.pacnew files get created when the old files have been altered - user
edited https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacnew_and_Pacsave_Files#.pacnew
I have no idea what /etc/texmf hold and why would one edit them, but
if you updated from a clean Texlive 2012 install I guess no edits were
made to these files and thus no .pacnew files got created .

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