[aur-general] packages without category

Lukas Jirkovsky l.jirkovsky at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 14:15:06 EDT 2013

On 30 July 2013 19:56, Rob Til Freedmen <rob.til.freedman at gmail.com> wrote:
> There are still >1000 packages without 'Category'
> - apparently not a hot topic.

I think most of these packages are created by uploading the PKGBUILD
using burp or a similar AUR uploader. If the categories were to stay
[1], it would be good if these uploaders or AUR rejected packages
without a category.

[1] I don't think the caetgories are useful in the current state,
because they don't represent natural grouping of existing software at
all (eg. should a GTK utility be considered "gnome", "x11" or
something else?). For this to work, tags would be in my opinion much
more usable – given the packages were properly tagged, anyone could
easily find packages such as "gtk multimedia player".

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