[aur-general] Fwd: gnupg-largekeys in AUR

Ido Rosen ido at kernel.org
Sun Nov 3 22:12:28 EST 2013

  I've added gnupg-largekeys, which is the gnupg from Core, but patched to
extend the maximum key size to 65535 bits.  Please note that unpatched
versions of gnupg can only import/encrypt to/verify signatures of key sizes
up to 16384 bits large, so you could keep your key sizes less than or equal
to that size for compatibility.


I think gnupg2-large-keys.patch would be a great addition into the Arch
Core gnupg package, if not in its current form then at least modifying it
to increase the max key size to 16384 instead of 65535.  For some
interesting numbers, take a look at
http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/documents/D.SPA.20.pdf (especially Table 7.2, see
15424 bit RSA keys).  Basically, it'd be nice for users to be able to
create keys larger than 4096 bits.


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