[aur-general] Meta packages in AUR?

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera hugo at barrera.io
Thu Sep 4 05:29:13 UTC 2014


I've a few "meta" packages I maintain and install across all my systems, and
I'm wondering if it's ok to upload these to the AUR or if they're not welcome.

Keep in mind: I know these won't make it to the stable repos, and that's not
the intention.

An example of these "meta" packages is "meta-group-base-devel", which is an "empty"
package that has all the packages in "base-devel" as dependencies.
This helps me keep things like "pacman -Qen" short and readable, and also make
sure that all my machines have base-devel entirely installed.

Is it ok to upload/share these? The AUR guidelines don't explicitly forbid
these [1], but I want to make sure there's not precedent or issues with these.


[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#What_kind_of_packages_are_permitted_on_the_AUR.3F

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?
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