[aur-requests] [PRQ#10847] Request Rejected

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Tue Mar 20 11:31:41 UTC 2018

On 03/20/2018 05:51 AM, Nacho via aur-requests wrote:
> I'm not a developer, I don't know how to do it.
> Sorry if I messed up, I thought a non working package without support
> shouldn't be there. Obviously I was wrong.

Obviously it works, the package has been available for several years,
received another PKGBUILD update two days before your request, and is
actively developed upstream.

Additionally, it is the git development version of a package that has
140 votes. Seems pretty darn popular to me, popular things should be
fixed rather than deleted. Which leads into my next major question --
why are you using the bleeding-edge development version of software, if
you do not know how to approach upstream about development bugs?

The error message you referred to in your comment on the package details
page, is not a build error, it is a runtime error and pretty clearly
seems to be an upstream issue, so you could try asking on the upstream
github (it looks like a python2 unicode mismatch issue). It is not a
requirement of the job of a package maintainer to do this on your behalf.

As for submitting deletion requests for "a non working package without
support", do you generally wait 15 days from your initial request before
attempting to obliterate software from the face of the earth because
you've decided it "shouldn't be there"?

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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