[arch-dev-public] licensing issues with DB 6.0

Andreas Radke andyrtr at archlinux.org
Fri Aug 9 13:54:17 EDT 2013

After some reading the AGPLv3 license is not different from GPLv3
with one addition. Since many services now run in the cloud in AGPLv3
this is also covered as "distribution" of the code and must be done
under the same rights that GPLv3 would require when shipping software
as binary builds via some storage media.

We do not change anything to the "db v6" code base. A quick overview
over the rebuilt packages I can't see a pkg that is published under a
non-free license.

If we would be allowed to link to DBv6 if it would be under GPLv3 then
we are also allowed to link to it under AGPLv3.

I see no serious reason to not accept that license change.




I'm no expert in that stuff. Maybe someone dealing day by day with such
stuff has more knowledge here.

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