[arch-dev-public] rc.d files, unmaintained packages - and, the quality of our repositories

Connor Behan connor.behan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 15:06:24 EDT 2013

This may be a dead horse, but a few points.

On 16/07/13 07:20 PM, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
> If you wish to go against this decision (such as to support other init
> systems) you need to submit a proposal here so we can discuss it first.
One could argue that having syslog-ng in [extra] supports other init
systems in some small way. This does not come at anyone's expense
though. Unfortunately, netcfg would come at the expense of reputation
because it is an Arch project. Supporting things deprecated by Arch
itself sends a worse message than supporting things that were deprecated
by others.
> When the upstream maintainers of a project find it too messy and
> switch their development efforts to a cleaner fork, I find it quite
> naive to "re-release the messy original now, and see about fixing it
> later"...
Again, I think the key here is that it was an Arch project. If for some
reason a TU released community/thunar-thumbnailers "Predecessor to
tumbler" most people wouldn't care. A project's own developers are the
most likely people to think it is messy.

As for the whole "push first discuss later" thing, people shouldn't be
afraid to take this approach. Maybe I misused it but "back in my day"
there was an Arch dev who had wise words
<https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=355343#p355343> about this
sort of thing.
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