[arch-general] What can be deleted, when not using systemd - was: polkit package upgrade patch

Oon-Ee Ng ngoonee.talk at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 10:54:15 EDT 2012

On 12 Aug 2012 20:51, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> I suspect upstream folks are living in an ivory tower.
> Nouveau, PA, systemd, GNOME3, GIMP etc. and regarding to GIMP somebody
> posted those links. It's worth to read it, since it's not about GIMP
> only, but about the communication between users and upstream.

I suspect that some users have a huge sense of entitlement. Thoroughly
undeserved. The users are not the most important component of an open
source project, not even close. And any neutral party reading the gimp
mailing list currently would identify the majority of the complaints to be
unreasonable since they amount to "this change sucks, change it back or
we'll stop using this software".

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